

Project Type: International Tender.

Executive Summary: Installation of Infrastructure for locating 1,421 tank trucks nationwide and fuel loading and unloading sensors on the valves.

Background: It was necessary to install GPS equipment on 1,421 tank trucks with GPRS connectivity, and 400 units had to be hybrid devices that transmit data via satellite. Additionally, 2 sensors were required to notify the opening of the gates for fuel loading and unloading.

Restrictions: Exclusive use of PEMEX and INEGI cartography.

Solution: We developed the communication software “COMM Center for SIPOA” to communicate with the tank truck equipment and receive all the generated information on a cloud server and store it in an Oracle 11G database.

Results: 100% installation of tank trucks nationwide. Achieved control over fuel supply throughout the country. Integrated alarms served as deterrents for the operators, who were the main suspects in fuel theft. Generated delivery reports, loading and unloading times, and return to the TADS (Tank Truck Dispatch System) for the entire fleet nationwide.

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